Study on Sloshing of Floodwater's Effects to the Roll Motion Response of Broken Ships 进舱水晃荡对船舶横摇运动的影响研究
Geophone array can depress ground roll and random noise in order to improve S-N ratio, however it can also bring stronger low-frequency response so as to reduce resolution. 检波器组合能够压制面波及随机干扰,提高信噪比,但也会产生较强的低频响应,从而降低分辨率。
The computer simulation of the motor vehicle roll response 汽车的侧倾转向和垂直干涉汽车侧倾过程的计算机模拟分析
Practice testify that FE simulation of roll forging for front axle can reduce the time over 30% of process design and procedure debugging and be helpful to response the market demand. 实践证明,采用有限元技术研究前轴成型辊锻工艺,能减少工艺设计和工艺调试时间30%以上,有利于快速市场响应。
Roll Primary-Resonance Motion Response of Ships Having Internal-Resonance 舰船存在内共振时的横摇主共振运动响应
Through the forced rolling experiments of ship model with deck into water, the realistic nonlinear roll model can be obtained, and the reliable roll response with large amplitude can be predicted. 唯有通过船模允许甲板入水的强迫横摇实验才能获得真实的非线性横摇模型,据此才能进行可靠的巨幅横摇响应预报。
Presents the method to analysis the nonlinear ship roll motion in random transverse waves by using the moment function. The results of stochastic roll response statistics are obtained from the moment differential equations enveloped by the Hermite Moments. 本文应用矩函数法分析船舶在随机横浪中的非线性横摇运动,以及用Hermite矩闭合法来闭合矩微分方程组,求得随机横摇运动获得平稳时的响应统计矩与外扰力的关系。
The influences of heave on roll are dependent on the area of water plane, vertical center of gravity, heaving response amplitude and encountering frequency of a ship in terms of the nonlinear static coupling formulae. 垂荡对横摇非线性静力耦合的影响主要取决于水线面面积、重心的垂向位置,以及垂荡响应幅值和遭遇周期。
THE COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE ROLL RESPONSE The car's roll-steer behavior can effect car's handling stability, sometimes adversely. 汽车侧倾过程的计算机模拟分析汽车侧倾转向是影响汽车操纵稳定性的一个因素。
First, robust autopilot for pitch and roll channel is designed using mixed-sensitivity method, so that it performs a good response feature and has a good stability in a large flight envelope. 首先,采用混合灵敏度理论设计俯仰和滚转通道自动驾驶仪,以保证弹体在大空域范围内有较好的指令响应特性和稳定性。
However, the roll and pitch response of Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low. Spar的纵摇和横摇运动响应与低频随机波浪的峰值周期下的张力腿平台相比更加完美。